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Vascular Access Services Reviews

Our Vascular Wellness team takes great pride in our exceptional vascular access services. We consistently receive positive reviews from our clients and patients, who trust us to deliver professional, reliable, and timely care. As valued members of patients’ healthcare teams, we collaborate closely to meet both patient and client goals. We invite you to explore our Vascular Access Services Reviews and encourage you to reach out to us if we can assist with your vascular access needs. Our services extend across North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, and beyond. Not only do we provide the highest quality care, but we also offer efficient solutions that save our patients’ time and our clients money.

Vascular Access Client Ratings and Reviews for Vascular Wellness - Why we're "so vein"

Vascular Access Services Reviews


Our client and patient testimonials
have made us “So Vein”

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Vascular Access Services Reviews

290+ Reviews and Counting

Behind every rating is a client and patient experience that matters

Vascular Access ratings and reviews from Physicians

Physicians’ overall experience
and level of satisfaction with Vascular Wellness

Vascular Access ratings and reviews from Nurses

Nurses’ overall experience
and level of satisfaction with Vascular Wellness

Vascular Wellness Vascular Access Services Patient Reviewer

4.96 satisfaction rating for vascular access services from Vascular Wellness

Patients’ overall experience
and level of satisfaction with Vascular Wellness

Clients are saying…

We help you meet your patients’ goals

  • Strongly Agree 98.5% 98.5%
  • Agree 1.5% 1.5%

We answer your questions and address concerns

  • Strongly Agree 99.9% 99.9%
  • Agree 1.0% 1.0%

We are professional, courteous and reliable

  • Strongly Agree 98.75% 98.75%
  • AGREE 1.25% 1.25%

Patients are saying…

We are professional and courteous

  • Strongly Agree 96.2% 96.2%
  • Agree 3.8% 3.8%

We answer your questions and address concerns

  • STRONGLY AGREE 94.25% 94.25%
  • Agree 5.75% 5.75%

We are respectful and thoughtful

  • STRONGLY AGREE 96.2% 96.2%
  • AGREE 3.8% 3.8%

*Survey answer scale: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

Vascular Wellness is your dependable provider for mobile, on-site, and on-call vascular access services. Our devoted team is dedicated to providing expert vascular access service and support to patients and clients in numerous cities and towns across the Southeast. With our expertise and specialized approach, we ensure that every patient receives the utmost level of skilled placement, comfort, and compassion. Whether you require PIVs, Midlines, PICCs, or any Advanced Vascular Access placement, we have you covered. Ask for Vascular Wellness for your vascular access needs and experience the difference as shown by our Vascular Access Services Reviews.

Vascular Access services from Vascular Wellness

Our Vascular Access Services Reviews
come from our Vascular Wellness
Client and Patient Community

Serving North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania

Duke LifePoint Healthcare

UNC Healthcare

LifePoint Health

CCH Healthcare



Cape Fear Valley Health

Cone Health

MUSC Health

Encompass Health

Vidant Health


Vascular Access Service areas from Vascular Wellness

Vascular Wellness is the southeast’s largest purchaser and user of top-rated & hospital preferred Becton Dickinson/Bard catheter supplies.

Becton Dickinson/Bard catheter supplies

● Comprehensive Vascular Access Services: NC, OK, SC, VA
  Customized Vascular Access Services: AR, GA, TN, WV
  Support Vascular Access Services: KY, OH, PA

● Comprehensive Vascular Access Services: NC, SC, VA
  Customized Vascular Access Services: GA, TN, WV
  Support Vascular Access Services: KY, OH, PA

Vascular Wellness is the southeast’s largest purchaser and user of top-rated & hospital preferred Becton Dickinson/Bard catheter supplies.

Becton Dickinson/Bard catheter supplies

Have You Experienced Vascular Wellness’
Vascular Access Services?

We invite you to submit your
Vascular Access Services Review…

Your responses help us ensure we are providing the best Vascular Access Services possible.

Please take 2 minutes to fill out a client or patient survey and post a
review of your experience on Google or Facebook.

Same Day Services

✔︎ 3 hour average response time
✔︎ 95% within 6 hours
✔︎ 7 days/week, 365 days/year
✔︎ After-hours and holidays


Want more than just a PICC Service or PICC Team?
Email us below or call 877-284-4435.
We are Vascular Access Specialists and here to help and answer your questions.

*For TRAINING inquiries please visit our Training page HERE

Let us be part of your trusted Healthcare Team.

Vascular Wellness provides comprehensive, quality, timely, and innovative vascular access services, including standard and advanced line placement, pediatrics, program management, education, training, and infection control and prevention to all healthcare settings such as Tertiary Hospitals, Community Hospitals, Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals, Hospital at Home Programs, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Surgical and Outpatient Centers, Hospice, and At-Home care. We support a 98+% Success Rate with 0% Insertion-Related Infection Rate across all lines, with an average response time of 3 hours. We help our clients improve patient outcomes, enable faster therapy, reduce costs, infections, and readmissions, decrease hospital length of stay, and reduce transportation expenses.


Corporate Headquarters & Mailing Address

Vascular Wellness
151 Quarrystone Circle
Suite 112
Cary, NC 27519


Vascular Support Team (VST) Customer Service & Clinical Support



Service Hours extend 2+ hours after Dispatch

Monday-Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday-Sunday: 8am - 3pm
Holidays: 8am - 1pm

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